Carrot and Stick: regurgitate what we tell you we want to hear, verbatim, to “earn” piece of paper you can wipe your ass with… Run stupid ET, run!🥕

SFU: tell us the death penalty is a barbaric practice (what? if retarded ET says it, human depopulation cannot occurs) and the movement of sterilization of defective genes in the 1950s, 1960s and 1970s was an inhumane practice aimed to disenfranchise those who want to propagate the human overpopulation crisis and of course ignorance, disease and suffering!

I said it. Graduated with honors (criminology major). Got some toilet paper AND STILL GOT VICIOUSLY ATTACKED BY A NASTY CHECKED-OUT CRACK WHORE OF PATRIARCHY!!! Hey, apparently SFU didn’t believe me… “humanity” categorically disagrees with your message and agenda… Where are your friends, ET? We, the human race, aren’t among them!

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