Alien Shaman

I craved for my third visit to the Amazon region of Peru to be intimate and authentic. During my previous stays I had had a few negative experiences which I did not wish to repeat. 

For one, I took issue with overcrowding; most ceremonies resemble third world sweatshops in their money hungry tactics of assembly line “healings”. More specifically, retreats I previously attended had approximately twenty participants. During one ceremony aya gave me a tour of their nightmares, one by one by one. Talk about vicarious trauma.

Yet, twenty is a relatively small number, as the once niech “healing” modality transforms into an industry.

For example, an acquaintance went to Mexico to retreat with “famous” Doctor Gabor Mate, and shared the good doctor packs them in like sardines. In fact, they indicated it was physically impossible to stretch out without bumping into another person. 

I’ve met others who attended ceremonies numbering in the 100s. Talk about chaos!

Aside from overcrowding, I had concern with shamans being drunk on alcohol while conducting ceremony. Would an alcoholic be permitted to run a recovery centre? Not likely. However, they do conduct ayahuasca ceremonies.

So, with these reservations in mind, gained through visits to one of the largest and most “western” retreat centers on the river Amazon in Iquitos, I decided to forgoe corporate middle men mentality and traveled to Pucallpa, a city closest to the small village of San Francisco, where most “healers” from the Shipibo tribe are from.  I booked a month’s stay at a property close to both city and village, ran by a rough round the edges woman who wore her soul on her sleeve. I wanted authentic and she sure as heck did not hold back; she also routinely fell asleep during ceremony and snored like a locomotive! Essentially, looking back, I traded in one circus show for another…

Surprisingly, in stark contrast with the slums of Pucallpa and surrounding area, the village of “Saint Franny”, with its new motocars and freshly painted huts, seemed eerily manicured. Influx of cash from westerners seeking communion with nature is the official explanation for its gleaming appearance. Though, my host suggested it had something to do with proximity to countries like Brazil and the booming underground economy of “exports” or straight up guns and cocaine trafficking via Amazon river. Each time I went to this village, mostly to purchase souvenirs for loved ones, I noticed vultures showing off their wingspan while circling overhead.

My host arranged for me to study with a shaman who traveled to the house via water taxi. For nearly half my stay, I was alone and at its peak, joined by four other participants.

Part of the reason I felt called to work with the medicine was my mother’s cancer.  Stories of healing and change gave hope where “conventional medicine” lacked cure.

My initial ceremony at this tiny center, situated on stilts on a river inhabited by blind dolphins, was no walk in the park. I examined death from many different angles with visions of life force leaving physicality like a balloon drained of helium. I also saw images of skulls dangling from tree branches like Christmas ornaments while wobbling my way to the toilet to purge. 

The ceremony which followed did not ease up in intensity. As I made the usual trip back to my cot from a visit to the can, struggling to keep upright due to brew induced nausea, I visually located my puke bucket and chartered a course to reach it but instead tripped and fell to the floor. Even though I managed to grab the pail, vomit came out with such force it bounced off the bucket and hit me straight in the face. 

During the next ceremony, I was able to call upon my mother’s energy until her essence seemed present. Yet to my surprise, spirit quickly took her soul and locked it away behind what seemed like a wall or cave of glowing crystals. 

Subsequent ceremonies continued to center on transformation from physical to non-local and back again. I felt uneasy and discouraged from carrying such a “heavy load” as I descended deeper and deeper into an existential abyss. At one point I saw myself as the centre of the universe; simultaneously all and not. 

On a night off from ceremony, alone at the dining room table, doing my best to use the time for integration, I questioned my decision to willingly put myself through such intense experiences for the duration of an entire month. Then, as if on autopilot guided by an invisible hand, I got up, walked over to a heaping bookshelf, and, without hesitation, pulled out “Bringers of the Dawn” by channel psychic medium B. Marciniak. The hair at the back of my neck stood on end as the composition of a thousand pages come to life. Starseed. Past life. Current experience. It was a good read to be sure.

As my stay neared completion, my host invited a local artist and son of a famous shaman, who was also a tobacco reader, to visit the house and entertain her guests. He arrived drunk on alcohol and in high spirit. He proceeded to “read” smoke from lighting several cigarettes at a time. I was skeptical of his showmanship; however, quickly warmed up to his banter of conjured up fluff. Naturally, a lighthearted message was what I expected when it finally came my turn to have my fortune read. Instead, the psychic’s face grew solemn as he informed me of my mother’s impending death shortly following my return to “civilization”. My host attempted to discredit his prediction by saying the “psychic” was drunk and talking nonsense. Deep down; however, his message struck a chord for it mirrored the theme of death and transformation being communicated by ayahuasca.

I felt powerless and grief stricken in ceremony which followed. In the privacy of my own experience I wished for my host (whose nick name was “mamma” and who very much had a “mother hen” type of personality) to hold me. Her partner was also in ceremony and to my astonishment heard my thoughts. I listened in disbelief as he came out of his own journey, got her attention and told her what I needed. In response, she called me over and proceeded to spoon and sooth me as I cried for my mother. 

The Shipibo shaman with whom I studied was an interesting creature. Small in stature, quiet during the day, he bellowed nausea inducing”icaros”, as if through a megaphone, once the sun went down. He taught me some of these songs and invited me to take turns singing at each gathering.

I was in Peru over Easter and we happened to have a ceremony scheduled over Sunday. As the shaman went through the ritual of opening ceremony space, he found he could not sing or go through his typical routine. Respite from his incessant noise making was delightful; we got to experience aya with only the sound of jungle chatter as our companion. I felt good and decided to play; energetically visiting my fellow retreaters. One participant’s enegetic wall felt up so I moved on to another, a man seated across from me, I watched being breastfed by his mother. In the morning, he validated what I saw as he described his experience. He then demonstrativly went into town to call his mother in Australia, a woman with whom he had a strained relationship, and expressed appreciation for his birth. He returned gleaming with satisfaction and with a toilet seat… Peruvians like to climb on top of the toilet and shit squatting like that thus no need for seats… apparently the conversation went so well he got inspired to shit in style…🤷‍♀️

The shaman’s energy intensified in the “clingy” department as time went on. For example, during a ceremony where his grandfather and teacher made a guest appearance, the creepy litte dude demended to hold hands and refused to allow his Elder to sing to me. Years later, this shaman’s bitter rival, a “gringo” who within the “conscious” aka “woke” aka “influencer” community boasts the title “papa”and benefits financially and in notoriety from hosting ceremony with the “tree of light” at locations such as his private villa in Peru, told me he personally knew him to be a “dark wizard”, or one who engages in “brujaria”. In hindsight, both clowns were out-to-lunch.

As my last ceremony commenced, I felt spirit dance and play. I wanted silence but the shaman kept singing what felt like anthems of war. At one point I told the spirit of ayahuasca if the pushback I was feeling was a manifestation of ego resistance, I was prepared to purge and rid myself of whatever was hindering me from progress.  To this, I heard a message say to listen to the song of my own essence and centre. As I did, I sensed a jaguar, with glowing green eyes, the same one who visited with the others during my initiation with the brew, come into ceremony space and sit next to me. I felt its heart join mine as it slowly entered and integrated into my energy body; my spirit animal and I were one. Or, as the first nations describe it, I “recieved” my spirit animal. I then began to hiss and growl at the shaman as I heard him address the jaguar in song. He was ordering it to stand down, to be tame and to tame me! I called over to my host and told her what was happening, and, just as the “gringo” years later mentioned is a monologue gossip session, she, too, gave validation the Shipibo was struggling with personal deamons.

I went outside to get away from what felt like an energetic battle of will. Once more, I needed to ensure my ego was not playing tricks on me. I knelt by the river and told my highest self I was willing to release anything which was holding me back. Again, I felt drawn to centre. There was nothing to fight within my core. I proceeded to sit there, alone, for what felt like eternity.

Departing Peru seemed uneventful… but it never is, not with all ten of humanity’s micromanaging digits up my twat…

On a stopover at LAX, an airport security guard was quite abrasive when I flagged her down and demanded she fetch my luggage which, despite having a huge and distinctly bright ribbon attached to it, was being dragged off behind a glass wall I, the insignificant, did not have access… it’s shocking the degree of liberties human trash has taken while repeating the “stupid alien is stupid so she won’t notice” mantra!!! Or was this the “Eve is right” and “Evil Alien is WRONG” and must be “taught a lesson” skit? Both, I reckon! (Speaking of airheads, over the years human trash have “encouraged” me to be a flight attendant, never ever a pilot! Degrading and taunting at every opportunity… doth protest too much gaslighters!)… after arguing (they always do) she got the bag and insisted she go thought its entire contents, item by item, before “graciously” releasing it to me. In response, the jaguar in me growled underbreath. On the flight back to my meaningless, micromanaged, bullshit lie of a life in hellhole Canada, I indulged in a little wine and cheese — the jaguar in me purred.

A few days after my return, I rushed my fake mother to the hospital for the last time. Within a month she was gone. She died hooked up to machines. My spirit animal held space for me, as I held space for my fake mother, as she took her last breath.

Post Scriptum:

During my time with ayahuasca I also connected with liquid quartz inside of me and saw the size of the overwhelmingly large piece of technology, capable of flight backward, unlike primitive human made tin cans also known as “air-planes”, hovering silently overhead as the clock, at past midnight, tick tocked to signal time of “entertaining” human gaslighting was over. Humans who participate in ayahuasca ceremonies often say ayahuasca is not “pro-human”; given humanity refuses to hear the cries of earth, and spreads like cancer while killing it in the most cruel of ways, this is absolutely the case, ayahuasca is not, in any way, shape, or, form, “pro-human”. Be not a cancer on the earth humans, leave room for “nature”, also known as other species whose home, human zombies, you vacantly and ruthlessly turned into a living nightmare.

Fiat Lux,

Lucifer-Kali-Durga-Isis or God the Mother to you, scumbags!🖕🖕🖕

I was 33 when I met Seth at geographical location labeled land plot 33 in the Amazon jungle — Temple of the Way of Lucifer yet I was treated like shit. Doesn’t Seth look like a monkey? He should given he was placed on my path by the Hanuman team — Hanuman, a rabies infested monster I want nothing to do with… you don’t move mountains, you’re to too braindead and useless!
Me @ Temple of the Way of Lucifer
He gifted me an earing in the shape of an eye… because everyone needs a single earing in the shape of an eye… it’s not because I am Lucifer🤫
Australian human female “Eve/Ewa” with her Peruvian human female “Eve/Ewa” sidekick feeding me poison — what you do, Stupid Alien, is find a lactating human female Eve/Ewa (who by her very act of pregnancy commits unscrupulous murder of mother earth), get her milk (poison that kills the earth) and insert it into your vagina (so that we the “Eve/Ewa” collective can claim ownership of you and stop this ridiculous nonsense called human depopulation agenda), this will drastically change your life for the better and rid your environment of all “evil” (you mean get you, the biggest rapists in all existence to propagate evil don’t you “Eve/Ewa”?… be honest trash… you are disgusting, deranged, selfish, ruthless, lying, stealing, cheating rapists that want nothing more than to get rid of me so you can continue to destroy all life on earth until there’s nothing left!!!). No! NO EVE/EWA! No.
Ayahuasca is an earthy tasting liquid which until one starts to associate it with incessant vomiting, goes down easy and smooth. At this clown freakshow “retreat” it was served as a putrid and grainy sludge impossible to swallow even when one plugged one’s nose… I demand they produce ayahuasca in liquid form which I ended up having to brew myself, for all the gawking clowns (I mean rabies infested gaslighting humans spying on the “evil” alien) because my host began to quickly suffer from attention deficit disorder and needed to be supervised and badgered to ensure I got what I paid thousands of dollars for to drink NOT eat… passive aggressive jabs, since once the brew was made as it should be thanks to me, quickly turned into my host developing sleep apnea snoring during each ceremony, ruining the experience, in that how can one property commune with All-That-Is when there is an angry “Eve” present intent on sabotaging “every move one makes, every step one takes” with her NONSENSE! Again, ayahuasca is pro human depopulation and Eve is against it, thus its enemy…
Australian human male purchased toilet seat after he realized Lucifer is not Satan…
Ayahuasca shitter art…
Ascended Master Mystery Baby the Lawn or Grass or Mary Jane of the Space Military aka Santa Lucia or Light or Lux is awake or “woke”, Everybody!
You know, super cute Mystery Baby-lon who lives at Knoll (little hill pronounced nol spelled backward = lon) is awake and tired of being passed around like a rag doll by gaslighting humans who scream she’s not allowed to be herself!
Symbolism… it’s midnight in this photograph but very much past midnight in real life, I said I am not God the Child but God the Mother so why the fuck am I in Canada with sunglasses at night while a carving in wood of a fedora wearing human face is riding my ass and that doll… oh dear, that doll, kind of symbolism… two dogs and… is that a right hook, holding the harmonica?
Living my best life being mindful of a middle digit up my twat! Hostile Handlers and nasty Sex Offenders: Melania Przerwa and Stefan Przerwa

Humanity… be honest! What the fuck are you doing to Baby Grace in this creepy as fuck photo?

“Nothing” is humanity’s reply… every human family of the western Poland region sticks their first born granddaughter on the middle finger of her maternal grandmother to ensure a “good harvest” or in this case luck with getting food ration stamps in a communist regime… what you’re witnessing is an ancient Easter European pagan ritual to commemorate the spring equinox!

As plausible an explanation as Creepy Granny got a cramp in her finger and was performing an ancient shamanic energy healing ritual aimed at alleviating the feeling discomfort via sexual molestation of the young! It’s right there in the shamanic handbook… early symptoms of arthritis cure: molest oldest granddaughter! So… she had to do it.

How about calling a spade, a spade… Poland calls “it’s” territory “fatherland” and actually teaches in religious studies that animals do not have a soul (salcesonik, baleronik, szyneczka, flaczki… pyszne “miesko” nie na duszy w krainie popierdolonych Polakow!) and fish in particular do not feel pain… perhaps Creepy Granny is simply feeling extremely confident about her degradation of my being because her allegiance, like any self-respecting Pole, is clearly to Jesus aka Satan! Hence, the ease with which she diddles little kids.

When I signed my soul contract to incarnate into the vessel I currently occupy, I said I’d only do it if a creepy piece of shit “grandma” violated my dignity!
Child diddling paid off in the manifestation of milk ration cards so plentiful, they went unused!!!
Wasn’t a fan of Creepy Granny’s daughter either… tho she seemed super happy about the food stamps the degradation of my dignity produced…
Mean Mommy rejected from the start as Alice takes exception I have a cunt!
What am I thinking? I’m in hell and this is my worst nightmare! Mean Mommy is rejected again!
Baby Grace rejects Mean Mommy.
Nope, not liking Mean Mommy.
I ain’t interested!
Me no like Mean Mommy.
Rejected AGAIN!
So much fun being sexually molested!!!
Child Abuse: Baby Grace focused on soother despite Mean Mommy’s attention seeking efforts. Mean Mommy gets mad. That’s quite aggressive there Mean Mommy! Movement of your hair, location of pillow/blanket sugggests you threw me in an attempt to force attention on yourself. Soother (smok) means “dragon” in Polish and despite her best efforts, I didn’t let go of it. Speaking of dragons (symbol of the Reptilian race), I had a favorite magazine growing up, which contained a neat story about an impressive dragon in one of its issues. Mean Mommy read it to me. Then, one day, when I asked where it was she said it didn’t exist and ordered me to stop lying. I retorted with, I am telling the truth, you read it to me the other day, don’t you remember? She responded by sticking with gaslighting the “evil Reptilian” with denial and reinforcing it with a degrading hit to the face to establish dominance. I responded by gracefully walking away from psycho human delta female Mean Mommy to go in search of the magazine I successfully located.
Groping continues… the magazine was called Cricket/Grasshopper/Locust… like the plague of darkness… and the sound of silence😎🤫
Compare and contrast…
Child Abuse
Child Abuse
Dumb dumb Adam and Eva, if in a baby vessel I am able to maintain balance, why would I need your groping paws on me two years later when blowing out candles on my birthday cake which I am sure you’d rather have made with rat poison than sugar and eggs…
And in other news, Freak Reptilian Baby doesn’t need to be groped by humans!
No groping required and Freak Baby Reptilian grows into Girl Reptilian capable of eating independent.
Creepy Granny not impressed in this piccy and Psycho-Creep Daddy looks like he’s about ready to blow a gasket! “Why isn’t she acting retarded! She’s supposed to be a drooling retard that needs patriarchy!”, he sneers.
Why are you groping me, humanity?
Lucifer Symbolism… is that a right hook?
What hit the earth and shall hit again, causing enormous waves which shall swallow entire continents and cleanse the land to begin anew… Flood Bringer!
Stop pretending you are teaching me about who I am, why I am here and where I came from, humanity!
Mask off yet freemasonic mask on… awkward how rude Mean Mommy was to me when this photograph was taken… she was most vicious when intoxicated on booze! Died of liver disease… just like another whore… same specialist at same VGH cancer treatment clinic… her daughter, Tamara, put on a fiasco “celebration of life” for her fallen alcoholic mother at Crescent Beach Park shortly after I did for alcoholic Mean Mommy at Blackie Spit Park at Crescent Beach! Classless Tamara (she borrowed tables from me for the occasion of farewelling her alcoholic mama but never expressed gratitude) sported fake titties at the event and once attempted to “teach me” how to smudge after I returned from Peru all smudged out and rolled my eyes at the useless piece of shit!
Masked mysterious lady, “Whore of Babylon”, the christians call her… hey, retard christians, if she is a “whore”, what does that make her son, Jesus… guess he’s a bastard🤷‍♀️… awkward😁

In this depiction of the “Mystery Babylon Alien Queen God the Mother”, although not seated atop a brick “wall of lamentation”, she dons a mask symbolic of human depopulation, an example of which, fairly recently, occurred in Europe “manifesting” as the black plague😉… in this symbolism on painted canvas rendition of MY life (oops, did I dare to address the “elephant” in the room?), there are also some nifty Men in Fedoras, also know as Men in Black (MIB), in the background… fedoras, sort of like the one worn by someone I consider a dummy, at crescent beach, while seated atop a dark purple blanket… the same dummy who sat on the same blanket with me while watching the eclipse of 2017… I wore a 1960s style dress of yellow with grey roses… back to the painting, “imagined”😉 by the Polish art group “Collage”… we have an Egyptian motif necklace and a strand of DNA connecting Isis with Osiris… this “masterpiece” fusion of Illuminati bangs Area 51 art is also known as “New Age”, or, the fall of Patriarchy being replaced by MA-tree-R-ki Age! 🖖👽
Dancing with a wall… peekaboo🧐
Lapis Lazuli teardrop…

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