Terra Firma


Written before my tortured and destroyed life was made intolerable by human Handler looking for UFOs… “UFO” is not looking to talk for you, you want to talk with them, you have to go through me, their Queen Mother.

One of my earliest memories in this form is of being about five years old, sitting alone on top of a hill on the grounds of my preschool, feeling a sense of total disconnection from home.  It was a deep longing to get back to something I could not fully express or understand. I felt utterly alone and refused to speak or engage with anyone. My mother was forced to take me out and try again at a different location a year later. The new placement was better but I still did not feel completely at ease due to a lack of integrity on the part of some of the adults. I do recall a fond memory from that time ~ a lesson in gardening. Each child received seeds and some cotton on which to plant them. I did not realized the “laws” which typically “govern” this reality (involving waiting for things to grow) so once I watered them, I asked them to grow, and, they did, right in front of me, to near full maturity!

Once in elementary school, my personality as an outgoing, talkative kid had formed, but the undercurrent, the deep, silent, inner knowing, remained. I recall my mother walking me to school one crisp, winter morning.  I felt compelled to caution her on how adults at times do not make the best choices and to take care, walk carefully and to bundle up.  Perhaps social conditioning had partly formed my sensitivity which often resembled that of a caregiver but there is more to it than just that ~ I am an old soul, meaning I feel like I’ve done pretty much everything so there is little I judge as foreign… my only criteria for truth at the moment is my alignment with Source…

I have had a relationship with bees for quite some time. They come to me in nature and art… while journeying with San Pedro in the desert of Sedona they surrounded me like old friends.

How does the saying go? “Synchronicity is the Universe saying, yes!” Hmm… YES!

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