Anima Mundi

Humanity’s worst nightmare: Alien Mummy called Isis Christ Devi!
Alien Goddess Anubis, the one true christ and judge of humanity, next to lake of fire symbolism, her actual friends in her actual “car” the spaceship and a monument to human depopulation, a pyramid (one of many found around the world)… artistic expression, isn’t it divine!🙂
Reptilian Goddess Isis the One True Christ. Not sorry to burst your bubble; no “para-sol”!
Isis/Anubis/Christ — Bringer of the Flood/Doomsday and Bringer of a New Day/Beginning.
Shiva, also known as Osiris, is 100% human and nothing else which means Shiva is NOT a God which in turn means, like “Christians” accurately termed Antichristians, the “Shivanites” are a slanderous bunch of idiots raping the truth and calling it religion while depicting me, THE ONE TRUE CHRIST, as evil “white bull lady” or “gori/gora” or “white woman” for not bowing to their “Lord”! Yes, I have been met with extreme racism because if I am dismissed as simply a caucasian human female then I am not THE AVATAR and if I am not THE AVATAR then the land of over a billion humans continues to breed like consciousness devoid rabies infested zombies! Jay Shiva Sambo, Jay!!!

Once upon a Kali Yuga, Isis “lowered” herself to hell as the “virgin” (never had a g spot orgasm) “whore” (had more than one lover) of immaculate conception via ET incubator, to retrieve her fallen/shattered/chopped up/fragmented/”confused” lover Osiris… To retrieve him she had to fight and triumph over Satan (most fucked up splintered part of Osiris) and Eve (checked out crack whore of patriarchy), who together made a pact to erase Isis from existence because they were jealous (he for not being the christ and she for being a cheap knockoff of the Goddess), dumb (between the two of them they make up the equivalent of the collective energy of a dumb as dumb can get chicken with its head cut off) and extremely resistant to change/apocalypse/armageddon/doomsday (he due to being unveiled as the antichrist “bad guy” and she due to being unveiled as a checked out crack whore of patriarchy killing Gaia).

Isis (sometimes called Ishtar, Lucifer, Baal or Kali the Destroyer of Evil including Satan…) walks the valley of the shadow of death (kali yuga is the darkest of the yugas) to accomplish her mission.

Isis, is Anubis of species Annunaki Reptilian, law giver and judge. She is the “lexicon” or “mouthpiece” for the conquering species who liberated and liberate again Gaia from the “termite” soulless zombie called humanity.

Isis is both the evening star (bringer of the “reset”, also referred to as “end times”, “apocalypse” and “armageddon”) and the star of the morning (bring of a “fresh start”, also referred to as “new day” and “dawn”).

Isis is the end and the beginning.

In Hinduism where traces of her have not entirely been erased, as in the story of Kali and Shiva, her image is defamed, butchered and raped. Depicted as a temperamental childlike female sticking her tongue out in defiance, Kali is mocked as she is gaslighted by the original obsessed stalked and rapist Shiva. He grooms her to have Stockholm syndrome when he talks down to her as the “intervening adult” who throws himself in her path as the “hero” to stop her from killing everthing. Shambo in Italian means sewer of shit and this is exactly the meaning of Shiva’s pathetic manipulation tactics. He disempowers her, robs her of dignity, steals her abundance and lies about doing it and then when she is beaten down and suffering as a result of his abuse he goes “here let me save you from me, yay I am your “hero”!”. No, Shiva is no “hero”, for he is the villain Satan, an attention seeking prideful manchild, jealous to the core, a piece of shambo!

When the great pyramid complex of Sahara was explored by “modern” savages, tales of the return or “resurrection” of Isis were discovered. Sadly, layman history, steeped in fabrications of patriarchy, conceals records of her existence. In Anti-Christianity (Jesus is the Antichrist and any follower of his is a fool because he is Satan… what do you know about the real face of Satan humanity? Hint… there’s one thing you can expect and count on from him… betrayal… whatever he promised you… lies… go on, keep praying to the one being whose soul is irredeemable… the “doomed” one who flies a kite of immaturity and dishonor… probably lost the ability to discern his own lies from any resemblance of truth… tragic… on a related note, in 2017, there were massive signs erected with a slogan of “Jesus Saves” in the Fraser Valley of British Columbia, Canada… I’d like to point out Jesus Antichrist might promise you salvation from human depopulation via murder of the true christ but he is incapable of saving your souls as his soul is the one that’s corrupted…) Isis is either called “Lilith”, the unruly first human female “mistake” and “sidepiece” to Eve, the ideally subservient second human female and second wife of Adam. Or, she is called a descendant of Eve and wife of Joseph, chosen to birth a God but not a God herself, Mary. Blasphemy disguised as bedtime stories for the cognitively challenged!

More over, the human female dichotomy of “whore”, also known as Lilith, and “virgin”, also known as Eve, is a lie viciously spread by the boys club of patriarchy as a war tactic to divide and conquer. It makes no difference whether it is a religious man/”priesthood holder” in charge of his wife or a pimp in charge of his whore, or a butch in charge of distracting a lipstick with braindead nonsense or a bear violating the dignity of a queen, the essence of oppression is one and the same.

“Lilith” never existed and Eve’s cunt, whether she is a hooker with many baby daddies or a fundamentalist mormon sister-wife is far from “pure”. Or for that matter, a “lipstick lez” being oppressed by a ignorant “butch” because she is a patriarchal whore or a “queen” taking it up the ass until the anus loses elasticity and stops holding in shit so it walks around wearing diapers. All far from “pure”, all 100% brainwashed by patriarchy to propagate the lie of male energy having a “god given right” to rape the female. All killing earth via human overpopulation crisis: let’s birth or purchase a human baby “toy” to entertain us and make us feel better about ourselves, while we compete with each other, in which human household has the worst parents in all creation because we are uninterested in growing up ourselves, so we use our kids as pinching bags as we do our checked out zombie “pets” (what the fuck is a domestic dog but an extension of human codependency, inadequacy, immaturity and insatiable need to rape?) and all of Earth’s children/species!

Madonna versus Whore war tactic of Patriarchy!
Eve versus Lilith lie of Patriarchy!

There was only one human female created, I refer to her as Eve for simplicity’s sake, and given she is 100% human and NOTHING ELSE, she is genetically inferior to her God and true Master, the Annunaki Reptilian Mother God Christ.

The truth is hidden in plain sight.

Easter or Ishtar (another name for Isis) is a celebration of fertility/sexuality of Isis, a non-human.

The “rib” is a reference to the sacred or “holy cow”, symbol of God the Mother or Devi (no, not Davie!) from whom sprung forth her idiot son.

Vesica Piscis, symbol butchered and adapted by Anti-Christianity as their own, is, in fact, a symbol of Isis the non-human, or more precisely, “Her Holy Christ Cunt”.

When Anti-Christians, followers of Jesus Antichrist, engage in baptism, it is a symbol of being one with the holy water of the one true Christ Isis, the non-human, during her “rapture” or “second coming”. A “g-spot” orgasm brought about by the phallus of her consort, Osiris, the “non-human made but human beast or the worst of human trash 666 idiot ANTICHRIST” she travels to hell to piece back together for her own amusement (he’s her human dildo).

A symbol of Osiris’ penis, the “rod” which exhalts Isis the non-human Queen of Heaven, is displayed for all to see in the middle of Saint Peter’s square in Rome; this being an obelisk brought over from Kemet.

Sexual dominance is answered when priests fall to their faces instead of to their knees… also known as sucking dick versus pussy… simple physics, she is the top, he is the bottom.

In fact, Anti-Christianity which worships Jesus the Antichrist, one of a number of human patriarchal religious institutions, is a knock-off which butchered (during the course of my research, also known as analysis of human behavior, bottom of the barrel, second class citizens of Anti-Christianity, also known as Anti-Christian shallow and completely checked out crack whores or “women”, so enslaved and obscenely brainwashed it is offensive, reported their faith dictates sexual pleasure is reserved only for males and in situations when it is a question of choice, the male has the final say in ALL MATTERS, including “yes” or “no” to sexual intercourse! It is therefore not unreasonable to conclude Anti-Christianity is an institution which sanctions rape under religious doctrine aka the most dangerous sect of perverts that ever walked the earth! In other words, Anti-Christianity is a sick in the mind, body and spirit cult of perversion! At it’s lowest level the “Chutch of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints” more accurately called “Church of Jesus Antichrist of Latter Day Rapists and their Crack Whores” whose founder Joseph Smith had 33 Freemasonic Order approved shallow as fuck, stupid as stupid can get, crack whores called “wives”! Antichristmas Crack anyone? It’s more addictive than fentanyl, cocaine and heroin and the Antichristians are it’s biggest dealers… by the way, there’s no rehabilitation from it, once you’re possessed by Satan, you’re burning in hell for all eternity!) and plagiarized the one true religion, that being the non-human Babylonian mystery religion of the Annunaki Reptilian Christ Mother God.

Post Scriptum:

Patriarchy not only took credit for giving birth, it replaced breastfeeding with dick sucking and calls it “in the name of the father, son and spirit”!

Spell it human: S-T-U-P-I-D!

Cult of the raping dick puts out New York Times best sellers where traits like honor, respect, integrity and honesty are attributed to patriarchy, while those same traits are actively being eradicated from the real world by it!

Patriarchy is akin to an untrained dog that has not only overthrown its owner but convinced her it is his right to trash her house!

Patriarchy normalizes violence; it is males so desperate to dominate, they use weapons such as date rape drugs against their “toys”; it is a society where on one extreme, there are brainwashed females of the fundamentalist mormons marrying in hordes as prepubescent virgins, rapists as old as their grandfather who already have a gazillion “playthings”, and, on another, females living in a world where the burka is mandatory because its oppressors cannot control themselves at the sight of their face and may rape or throw acid at them, if they do not “cover up” and stop tempting them (hey, middle eastern human males have been promised 72 virgins to fuck in “heaven” as a reward for being rapists on earth… zombie logic… I mean, human religious teachings of patriarchy, so let’s not criticize🤭)!

Patriarchy is the constant and systemic spread of lies. For example, it is a not so known fact, the brain behind Albert Einstein’s “theories” was his wife, but because of patriarchy’s allergy to intellect in the female, the only way to go public with her findings was to give all credit to her owner, I mean “husband”.

On and on it goes…

Males incapable of attracting a mate in first world countries travel to the slums of countries like China or Russia and import slaves to “patriarch”.

Males hold hunting parties like the “Pickton farm killings” of British Columbia, Canada, where the “highway of tears” was their grocery store for produce that would not be missed if snatched, mutilated and fed to the pigs!

Patriarchy is males raping their victims (catholic priests are expert diddlers of the most vulnerable, calling themselves his “grace” and his “excellency” while taking pleasure in breaking a kid’s spirit… hockey player Theo Fleury being a great example…) and then “judging” them when they end up suicidal, drug addicted or in the only environment they know, a house of rape, also known as a “whore house”…

Post Scriptum x2:

After hearing yet not comprehending a single word I said, a manchild dismissed what I write about as hate speech against men. Of course the product of patriarchy’s elite (sadistically abusive “father” and submissively “checked out” to the point of having zero protective instinct when her rapist husband destroyed her son, “mother”… hey, the bitch was beaten to a pulp to believe “father knows best” so what the fuck do you expect???) feels threatened and comes to such a convenient conclusion…

I do not hate men. In fact, there’s nothing more pleasant than an intelligent, polite, chivalrous male who is skilled in the art of tantra, possess defined yet not roid monkey muscle mass, as well as, girth and length, a semi pleasing facial expression, and an impressive ability to dance.

Unfortunately, patriarchy’s army of napoleon syndromed, selfish as fuck, manboys makes up the majority of heterosexual and/or bisexual male population, and, they do not, on any level, resonate with what makes my yoni happy.

Of course, if I wanted to be inauthentic and pretend I am a brainless slave of patriarchy, any one of them would be happy to call me his worthless toy of rape… I’d have to agree to lick his dirty asshole, watch hours of lesbian orgy porn and act interested, as if it isn’t the most mind numbing nonsense I’ve ever seen, engage in sharing of his dick with filthy Eve cunts and never, under any circumstance, question his “manhood” or lack thereof… then, I’d have it all!

Instead, I chose to be celibate, too much lesbian orgy porn nonsense shoved in my face by useless delta males has caused me to reject subpar and disrespectful sex as too costly to my feminine sensibilities.

For over three decades I have dated garbage, also known as patriachy’s “finest”… be it 6’2 and full of muscle or 5’4 and microscopic dick you needed a magnifying glass to locate, they all had one thing in common, they were all raised with patriarchal values and therefore were complete trash!

In my experience, patriarchy’s duchebags may be categorized as belonging to one of two major groupings of bufoons: a. jocks, strung out on steroids, cocaine and viagra with numbed-out dicks only interested in “rabbit rage fucking” (because if they thrust as fast as they can, as their heroes do in phonographic cinematography, this makes them a “man”!) or b. meek, also erectile dysfunctioned, chubby or skinny boys, who were bullied as kids by their equal opposites and have thus developed fetishes like eating ass, symbolic of “people pleasing” gone terribly wrong.

Don’t you just want to kiss a self-esteem devoid shitbag after he has eaten out your ass and call him “daddy”? I didn’t, instead dumped such a duchebag on Valentine’s Day!😉

Washington Monument, built by Freemasons, is a symbol of the Holy Vagina of Isis (vesica piscis) and the dick of Osiris (obelisk).
I found another symbol of the dick of Osiris mistakenly called the “needle” of Cleopatra, in Manhattan.🧐 It was brought over by Freemasons and placed in Central Park as part of the grand plan of awakening the Goddess. Manhattan is meticulously planned as a grid system for this purpose… every building erected “just so”… in fact, the light show of “Manhattanhenge” was designed for the amusement of the Goddess Isis.
“Manhattan-henge” constructed for Isis.
Isis, travels the bottomless pit to retrieve her mate, symbolically referred to as her “key” or “ankh”, after she banishes him to hell as punishment for betraying her. Osiris, otherwise known as Saturn or “Satan”, is Lucifer’s son (Lucifer is another name of Isis… hint, hint, she is the master geneticist who created all humans… think “missing link”… no, too stupid, vacant zombie drooling with ignorance, that’s right the average human believes human trash built the pyramids via ropes and tree logs so how can they know anything about genetics!); the boy who flew too close to the sun. She, the central sun (leader of the aliens), is forever a mystery due to never allowing him full access to her vault (humans are incapable of self-governance so they are not leaving earth, no way, no how, not ever! No, still too braindead to get it? Think “Nuit”!). In other words, Anubis God the Mother, the tester and judge of souls, never gets overtaken by the jealousy of her son who learns the hard way, he is “Luigi”, a supporting actor, to her main role as “Maria”! Can you say Santa Muerte, human trash? Can you say “Blood Mary”, the exterminator of evil, human garbage? Can you say it’s your fault and that you 100% deserve what’s coming, human parasites?
God the Mother with her wayward son, Satan.
Satan fooled the world by masquerading as Lucifer, the Angel of Light.
Virgin Whore — God forbid God the Mother is sexual and demands a dick actually does it’s job! Have you ever experienced/witnessed (out of body experience where you dissociate until it’s over) a human male fuck… it lasts approximately 2 seconds or chafes (you start out “wet” and get dry within several minutes, an indicator of the death of your mood to engage in coitus and the zombie pulls out KY jelly and keeps going) mind and body numbing porn stile rabbit fucking where you lay there getting raped and it doesn’t even notice everything it is doing it unskilled, primitive, uncivilized, selfish and completely WRONG and then it looks itself in the mirror and it tells itself it did a “good job” while you shake your head and say to yourself, that was THE WORST experience of my entire life and time I have wasted I shall never recover!

Overall review of the “act” & “afterglow”: feeling dissatisfied, disappointed, lonely, unseen, unloved, degraded, used and discarded. In ALL instances I have felt devastatingly dejected!
Babylon with her “key” otherwise known as Isis and her Ankh Osiris! Problem with this depiction… I am not a fan of drinking blood (even if it is from saints) because I am not the “bad guy” antichrist.
Isis (Holy Cow or Mother) with a symbol of her “key” Osiris.
Anubis with a cow nose ring🧐
Anubis the “hybrid” cross…
Eye of Providence
Lizard Mama God
Down on your knees cunt versus down on your face dick in tantra or “sacred sexuality”.

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