Braid walk-ins

Written before my cover was blown… “Starseeds” including “walk-in” braids are a lie… they do not exist… Reptilians do; however, “New Agers” do not like Reptilians so gasliting BULLSHIT continues…3 Waves of Volunteers by Dolores Cannon, anyone?

My 34th birthday was certainly interesting. Shortly prior to midnight, right before I turned one year older, I was at home meditating. As I focused on breathing through my heart and with my eyes closed, I suddenly saw a bright orb hit me directly in the third eye. Panicked, I began to fight it and as I did, “it” began to telepathically communicate. It told me it meant no harm; it came to help speed things up and aid me in making a smooth “transition”. Skeptical, I recalled reading about “walk-ins” and was sure as hell not going to allow one to replace me. I made it clear I would only allow it in, if my consciousness was left intact. It assured me its intentions were benevolent. I relaxed and as I did, my whole body began to twitch and shake. Then, as if this was not crazy enough, my whole face began to shape shift. I mean full on, shifting of every cell, muscle, fiber and bone. My whole being was adjusting and realigning to the new energy. Once it was over I got the green light to prepare for sleep. I went into the bathroom without turning on the lights, looked in the mirror and was startled to see my eyes glowing.

My actual birthday party was scheduled for the following day. It was an amazing evening. Everyone’s energy was mellow and cohesive. I was blessed to receive highly thoughtful and mostly handmade gifts. It was truly an honour to bask in the sunshine of so much love. Then came the pictures… oh my! My friends’ eyes were either normal or red, while mine reflected like a cat’s in every single frame…

Two months later another one of these odd orbs made contact, this time during ceremony in Peru. I fell asleep after drinking the brew and when I came to, my consciousness was drifting above a couple. They were in bed, in a room I did not recognize. She was dying and he was sad.  I watched her leave her body, turn into an orb and fly with me straight back into the ceremony space and right into my third eye. The familiar, but this time, far less dramatic realignment took place. I could feel her merge with me peacefully and with ease. She never communicated; I merely felt her essence and welcomed her in. Once the integration process was complete, I sat up fully present, strong and comfortable. The shaman took one look at me and said: “welcome to the spirit world – you now walk the path of the living and the dead”.

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