
I read your pitiful books by “unlocker of hidden UFO abduction memories” and subject matter expert extraordinaire, hypnotist Dolores Cannon… round the time humanity were screaming “ET is EVIL”, via fake daddy handler taking me to see “Fire In the Sky” to showcase how poor humans, like Travis Ton of ๐Ÿงฑ, get abducted by ๐Ÿ‘ฝ…

…Cannon chronicles recollections of “human-alien” contact, brought to the surface through hypnotic regression…. they have a common theme… the alleged “abductee” reports seeing owl(s)… the scenery quickly transforms to spaceships and aliens… symbolism atop abduction memories as camouflage and warning…

…the “what??? and the “who?”… YUP the “HOOO!!!!๐Ÿฆ‰๐Ÿ‘ฝ…

“Alien๐Ÿ‘ฝ Owls๐Ÿฆ‰” with hooks for claws abduct in their spaceships, like pirates, unsuspecting human lab mice, to poke and dissect… ๐Ÿดโ€โ˜ ๏ธ

Apropos books sold at metaphysical bookstores like the Cannon of Dolores, my “vortex” (as per, “Abraham Hicks” the Collective of Consciousness Otherworldly “channeled” by Esther Hicks, Handler Jelena’s guru to whom she prayed) is being shat on by rabies infested human zombies like Handler Jelena! They are literally smearing their fecal matter on everything while screaming “no we’re not”… It’s disgusting, ridiculous, classless, disrespectful, perversely immature, horribly abusive and obvious!

Hey Stalker Handler Jelena, you and the rest of the raping human fingers fucking up my micromanaged bullshit life stink!

“Abraham Hicks” channelled by Esther Hicks… big physiological difference between Esther the 100% human carcass and nothing else lying she is in contact with ET and my vessel of 100% Alien in 100% human human female… BIG difference… Why are you wasting my time with garbage, humanity?

“ME the “I”… ME the “entity” is here in physicality capable of speech cord vibration not “channeled”…

We the “Entity” independent, together as a crossing of body fibers intertwined are autonomous yet tortured by humans as if we are their property!

Colossal difference “Abraham” without a body intertwined in Esther… Colossal difference, indeed!๐Ÿ‘ฝ๐Ÿดโ€โ˜ ๏ธ๐Ÿ›ธ๐Ÿ•ด

Handler Jelena requested exact coordinates to my “friendlies” while voicing “hostile intentions” humans toward me have… Me, the physiologically different than her, alien…

She the 100 % human and nothing else species representative human female and I the 100% alien inside a 100% human “host”… BIG difference!

“Alien Anna, I am a Stalker (first and foremost) and your Human Handler “bestie”, one of the whole comprising your micromanaged, bullshit life.”, said Handler Jelena…

“Coordinates!… Where are your real friends hiding?”, said Handler Jelena.

I responded with… “Close, they are close… (while thinking, this before me is a rabies infested clown with whom I played dutiful and moral Federal Public Servants, human “girlfriends”, “kumas”, “besties since grade 9” pals… turned zombie in the blink of an eyelid, this before me clown is dangerous and not to be trusted…)…

—–My-true-friends-are-close—– ๐Ÿ‘ฝ

What? You say, Handler Jelena, my “body” is divided into sectors human groupings have charge of? My micromanaged bullshit life is like a body divvied out in chunks?

“No! Your micromanaged bullshit life IS divvied up in chunks! Swallow this amazing helping of information easy now… you’re surrounded…”, said Handler Jelena.

Being an “eloquent” hostile zombie, Stalker Handler Jelena painted a visual…

“Alien Anna, all ten of humanity’s digits have a hold of your life… Like a baker molds a pie, humans subject you to their will at their leisure and pleasure…”… “There’s nothing you can do about it!”… “We, your human handlers, have surrounded you…”.

… How does one respond?

… ?


… My real “friends”, 1 of 7 spacecraft, are hovering over Sedona, Arizona, United States of America.

There, I said it, happy now?๐Ÿดโ€โ˜ ๏ธ๐Ÿ•ด๐Ÿ‘ฝ๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿ›ธ๐Ÿ™…

… Happy? Get your filthy fingers out of me!

…At the end of the direct order “question”: “Where are your real friends? Give me their exact coordinates!”, came an agreement…

In exchange for disclosure of true friend location, gaslighting hostile human handlers playing infantile games against Alien Anna, their target, while pretending they are not hostile human handlers playing infantile games, after they admitted they are hostile human handlers playing infantile games, are to be terminated.

I held up my end of the bargain, Stalker Handler Jelena… Humanity, to date, are showing extreme hostility as they gaslight, cheat, abuse and disrespect me!

Let’s have another conversation, this time over sweet cake and coffee, and put this bullshit game to bed…


4 “good” this time!



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