Written mostly prior to my human mask being ripped off when rage filled humans, trying to kill me, announced they are not my true friends.
Even in my “plastic” years, I was drawn to mystics. There was once a situation at work which made me concerned for my safety (ban on smoking cigarettes in prison which sparked violent riots across Canada’s jails). Instead of calling in sick and avoiding the problem or bringing in knives or other weapons from home as most guards did, I decided to go to an “energy coach”. Barbara Moloney (🕴M.B.🕴, Wreck for Area 51 Beach food truck vendor, married to owner of Papa — for patriarchy’s shit off a dick– Moving, getting $80 cash from me every week, for years… if she was on PWD, she’d definitely meet all 5 criterion, she most certainly did not declare it on her monthly report!) was an elderly (morbidly obese, mangled bodied with bones sticking out of places they weren’t supposed to, with indecent compulsion to awkwardly and uncontrollably sniff her fingers, so much so she looked like she was having out of her brutalized body experiences, every time she performed energy-work which involved touching my feet) woman who was a powerful yet humble intuitive (not really, she was feeble and sick and a puppet being fed what to say to me — for example, in her “guru” of stupid ET mode, she told me to coach my “stepfather” to “go toward the light” when he is preparing to die of his cancer… I laughed and said, human wheel of karma, you want me to tell my kin to go on the trap that recycles human souls? That is presumptuous… What if this is his wheel completion, what if he wants to play on physical reality as a planet next? She turned pale and commented how enlightened what I just said “sounded”… no shit gaslighting fool, I am the ascended Master who descended into hell to have these conversations with fools like you… kill me now… mind numbing horseshit day in and day out!).
She “introduced” me, the Stupid ET, to the healing touch, to crystal therapy which involves placing stones on the body’s energy grid (meridians) to aid in the adjustment of frequency, and to sound therapy. She taught me how to be consciously aware of my bio-energy field as well as the energy fields of people, animals, places and things. Up until then, if not switched off by alcohol, my psychic abilities were scattered and random (not at all, this sentence was written in part as a “people pleasing” tactic of me playing dumb and small… this is how I have survived the constant gaslighting and jabs at everything I do for over 4 decades… dimming my light to keep safe because if I shine I get attacked… aliens are not allowed to be better than humans!). This was the first time I began to make the connection that energy follows thought and that thought creates reality.
After my “step-dad” got diagnosed with cancer, my “mother” asked me to attend an energy healing (the Reconnection – for a genuine critique of Eric’s “abilities” check out a video I posted of him in playlist called Babylon on my YouTube channel, I comment, I do not hold back – Ania Aurora) seminar which was being held in Seattle over a weekend. She had read a book written by Chiropractor Eric Pearl who was hosting the gathering and wanted to be exposed to the frequencies he was talking about. Before agreeing to go, I decided to check out the book! Conclusion – it was an easy and entertaining read but seemed completely “out there”. In the end I agreed to go not because I believed in what I had read but because I did not want to worry about her driving (it was painful to watch when she did… timid, scared of her own shadow and without and ounce of backbone unless of course she was abusing me as a baby, then she was brave!) busy freeways alone.
The drive down to Seattle was uneventful up until we took a rest stop at a gas station. I remember parking my car, taking my hands off the steering wheel and feeling as if they had been electrocuted. My palms literally felt like they had hundreds of swirling, dense with electricity tornados dancing on top of them. When I told my “mother” what I was experiencing, she suggested my hands had been activated by reading the book. I was skeptical but intrigued. The sensation lasted a good half hour and was unlike anything I had ever consciously experienced.
Once we got to the seminar, I did my best to stay in the moment as my mind challenged everything I was “learning”. At the same time, there was a part of me which relaxed and allowed the energy to flow. In fact, by mid-day, and believe me I know how nuts it sounds, I decided to spend $333 to have my meridians “reactivated”. The theory behind it is, once the meridians are activated or reactivated, one is aligned with his/her highest purpose and life path. I felt nothing when one of Eric Pearl’s minions was “reconnecting” me and after felt stupid for having forked out so much dough. This was until I came home and had my first conscious out of body experience which scared me so much I slept with the light on – like that was going to help!
Then in the morning, on my drive to work, my kundalini spontaneously activated for nearly an hour. I had felt before but never so intense and long lasting. The sensation was not sexual, as some sacred texts describe it. The feeling was one of absolute bliss, love, compassion and oneness. I remember looking at trees and feeling their essence and looking at the sky and feeling completely connected. It was as if I had come home. In those moments I had access to divine knowledge; everything seemed to make sense.
A day or two later, I woke up early in the morning and realized I could not move. In disbelief, I then sensed there was someone else in the bed with me as I felt the weight of another body next to mine… felt it slightly touching mine… when I finally had the courage to look at the “intruder” I realized the being was not human! It resembled a “grey” with long, thin limbs; however, the eyes were not huge and its skin color was dark. One of its arms rested on its hips as it peacefully observed me. Then, as my anxiety felt beyond what I could handle, the being dematerialized.
Following this encounter and for the next several months, fuses routinely blew including at a busy restaurant during an awkward dinner date with a hostile human male who was acting quite creepy that day (Looking back, I understand how desperate this individual and his “finger in pie team” was/is to stop the human depopulation agenda… He was/is horribly ugly with a nasty penis that oozed unreasonably large and disgusting amounts of “pre-cum” I wasn’t shy to recoil from and an even more seriously intellectually and physically broken, extremely low functioning brother who in the human population control world does not exist because he is the personification of pain and the cause of suffering in the lives of others. Most pathetically hilarious part of your entire gaslighting scheme, human trash, is that you’ve genuinely convinced yourselves you are loving by fighting to keep your disease, war, povert, and injustice and kill what is the greatest act of love which has ever occurred… You are the carrier of hatred and the spreaders of suffering who have ruthlessly and without an ounce of compassion destroyed the dignity of earth… Everything here is screaming STOP RAPING US HUMANITY, and you, drunk on hate, laugh and keep going!! To call you stupid, evil and sadistically cruel is an understatement, humanity, you are critically out of control, consciousness devoid, monsters.), lights at work and at home flickered on and off, static electricity was intense and electronic devices “malfunctioned” first encountered the third kind style. Unbeknownst to me, I had walked through yet another portal of my awakening/remembering experience.
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