Handler Danuta Maria Przerwa Wierzbicka Sosnowski who “raised” (abused) me, also known as “Mean Mommy” (born Wrocław February 16, 1955, expired Vancouver May 19, 2013), making the infamous sign of the “illuminati” (or is it the sign of ET God the Mother’s third eye?… same thing, no?) twice… once by covering her eye as a symbol of a pirate’s eye patch and second, a “hook” with her finger… rrrrrrr!I am not wrong about when your “sister wife” died Danuta Niemic Wierzbicka, as you disrespectful, classless, soulless cunt screaming I am WRONG argued… Danuta Wierzbicka Sosnowski died on May 19, 2013 at exactly noon, sharp… She died right in front of me!Mean Mommy… now she’s pregnant, now she’s not! Me between two abusive, creepy and useless as fuck handlers who posed as my biological parents — what a joke! I would have been better off as orphan Annie in “foster care”.Me (MIB ET) with mean mommy and unhappy atop a smoldering hot to the touch wooden whale with psycho creep daddy who enjoyed (as usual) causing me to feel uncomfortable🤡Doll war… I said NO psychotic human trashbags!Doll wars… NO MEANS NO RAPISTS!Doll war… I mean a perfectly “natural” photograph where nothing unusual is occurring…Cutlery war… psycho creep gawking at the correct placement of my cutlery and mean mommy, as usual, “voting” for my demise.Wars… because one war is never enough for rabies infested human trash! Let’s place an extremely under clothed insignificant child on the lap of a disgusting creep with his fly open and get her to rest her hand on his crotch!Sex offenders passing the worthless enemy around aka “WARS” continued!Does it look like I like where I am or what I am subjected to? My “smiles” are defense tactics when surrounded by evil. I HATE HUMANS!Game of Rock, Paper, Scissor and she chose “Paper”? Or, is she doing the “flat earth” hand gesture? Or, does she simply not approve of me, the nasty Reptilian?
My handler “godfather” Janusz and his disapproving “spouse” Teresa…
Maybe they were drunk and confused, after all, it’s a milestone, one’s first birthday, must have been quite the party… birthday girl; however, doesn’t appear to be having fun…Passing the disgusting freak Reptilian around… again! Lean back, lean back…That’s quite the eager to see my sign language face of intensity on a rabies infested human female, Melania Przerwa, who had no problem placing me on her middle finger like a dignity devoid circus animal freak… hey, I am supposed to be stupid like Eve, inferior in every way, thus unable to notice, deduce and conclude… that’s right, no rights, especially to autonomy and absolutely no long-term memory… cruel and unreasonable much?Or, maybe she didn’t approve of me wishing to avoid getting forcibly covered in birthday cake? Maybe as a child (or adult, “Eve” the 100% human is clearly cognitively slow after all😜) it made her happy to be covered in cake like a pig in a pig sty and she wished for me to experience the same joy🤷♀️Human Stupidity, also known as the Cult of Patriarchy, passing the Reptilian doll around, take fifty billion trillion. Nope, I’m still not a fan of having the Cult of Patriarchy (Stefan Przerwa and Jerzy Wieslaw Wierzbicki) and its shallow whores bringing me down to their “mansplaining” sewer level! Teresa really doesn’t seem impressed… what is that, a hand gesture for slap the Reptilian in the face and put her in her place?!I refused to let go of the spoon (symbol of royalty and civility)… Teresa looks appalled… after all, how can the Reptilian Matriarch be superior to the Queen of Patriachy “Eve” of Adam and Eve, also known as human asswipes?Teresa can’t even look at me…Maybe poor Teresa (symbolizing Eve) got jealous of Alice (symbolizing Lilith) and her roughhousing of me… Alice is clearly being rejected so why so glum, you’re both stupid, useless human females that are called Eve, Lilith never existed and be honest, you’re both playing for the same team… both useless and empty, shamefully intellectually limited, while they let their Adams drive because both never bothered to get a license… if you weren’t aggressive as fuck, I’d pity you… on that note, human females have never been gracious or hospitable to me and continue to show zero grace in my presence… stabbing me in the back with claws fully extended while spitting me in the face is NOT loving, Eve… maybe it’s because Eves are not the Grace of God, I am… your essence is envy Eve, it oozes from your ever pore… I mean, instead of praying to me, the fucking idiot Teresa is keeled over in this passing the “evil” Reptilian Matriarch doll around “game”! Nice Eves, nice!!!I am going to go with Teresa doesn’t like God the Mother!😁Maybe because I could eat by myself… and even sit on the darn chair, without a human in my space, by myself… this Grace of God vagina says fuck you Cult of Patriarchy and your shallow whores like Teresa AND Alice!Apples, you say? As in we’re reenacting the oldest story in the book where Adam and Eve, thanks to Eve’s stupidity, get their asses kicked by a jealous and vengeful God the Mother when she comes to earth to collect her son and finds humanity have stopped praising her? That story??? Sign me up! Oh wait, All That Is already drew up my soul contract and I signed it yet Eve keeps on trying to earse me and my signature from existence!Symbol of my Holy Cunt which antichristians stole and attribute to a rapist human male which they dare to call their God!… Oops, your side hustle went “belly up”… That’s you in the corner, that’s you on the spot (Church of Jesus Antichrist of Letter Day Rapists… Baptists, Jehovah, Presbyterians, Pentecostals, Catholics, etc., aka, trash that erased the One True Christ from existence and sucks shit of a rapist’s dick calling him their Lord and Savior)… losing your “religions”; trying to keep up with me while stealing, plagiarizing, disrespecting and abusing me, you know that you cannot do it, oh no I’ve said too much, I haven’t said enough!I stick my tongue out like Devi Kali the Destroyer of Evil😛 Z-A-J-E-B-I-E!Filthy as fuck bathroom was where I took my baths in ghetto communist Poland… carcinogenic black mold on the wall, so “good” for your health… strawberry jam jar serves as a container for toiletries…It is unfortunate two photographs are overlapping; however, the main one where I am standing in between two strollers is quite clear… in each of the strollers a daughter named Agnieszka, one born to what christians consider a whore (Alice) due to being spawned out of wedlock and another to a female who waited until marriage (Teresa)… it’s a symbol of the Lilith versus Eve battle that’s long since expired… as I have said in my post entitled Anima Mundi, Lilith is a lie, if you are a human female without the merging of another species, you are Eve… in my post, Anima Mundi, I speak of having spent time interviewing anti-christan females… one of the anti-christian females I interviewed has a master’s degree from the University of British Columbia in education and a father who retired from a professorship at the christan university Trinity Western. In other words, she came from “educated” (not at all) anti-christian stalk. This human female, “shared” (more like lectured and “schooled” me in desperation, like the dummy human female that insisted I am not a mother but an insignificant nobody who will die in obscurity) her belief in the male being superior to her and in absolute charge of her life, meaning the male human having veto powers in all matters, including deciding “yes” or “no” to sexual intercourse. She escalated to such an extreme in her rant of pure ignorance and cancerous puss nonsense, she exclaimed that if it came down to it, her faith was so strong in the righteousness of patriarchy, that she as a good christian woman was prepared, without hesitation to murder her children, if her master ordered the killing as a sacrifice to save the Cult of Patriarchy. “Eve” wins “mother of the year” prize and comes in first place as “dummy eternal”!Her middle finger is up my crotch while she is balancing me on her hand as her creepy husband is assisting in the balancing act… I’m guessing it didn’t go as planned since Mean Mommy is calming me down in the subsequent photograph.My “cousin” was not speared either… desensitization of genital area is the first step in the diddling process aka conditioning to create subservient, unquestioning drones to feed the beast that is the Cult of Patriarchy.Symbolic photography… I always thought my fake cousin looks like Hitler, or, Satan, no?Because every human handler daddy creep to “evil” Reptilian little girl shows off his newly acquired Beatles album together with a human male’s most prized posession, his porn! It’s just his way of “teaching” me, a male is supervisor (just look at human females losing their shit at the sight of the Beatles) and a female is his subservient object made to serve him and his penis! What a “teacher” handler he was😉Because every loving mommy holds up her baby daughter by the cunt; that’s how humanity shows love! By the time I was a toddler, I was asking for “love diddles”! Facial expressions suggest I wasn’t amongst “friends”… theme of this “skit”, invasion of personal boundaries by “Eve’s” who are clearly disappointed, when I, given personal space/social distancing (Eve is in my face, space and business without permission or invitation) am able to chose for myself, independent of their influence.Let’s zoom in on one of these nifty photos where nothing unusual is happening… you have fake grandpa John the midget with a look of “oh-oh” while I take a chocolate (?) from the box he’s holding while making a hook symbol with my pinky and the same only index with my other hand… his other hand is holding a coupon flyer (?) cause why not, he multitasks, looking for deals and posting for photos of feeding his “granddaughter” sugar is a two for one… you have the two sisters Danuta and Alice gawking at what I am doing with somber facial expressions and you have the husband of Alice holding her sister Danuta by the string/belt (?) of her dress while also making a hook with his index finger… Alice is making a sign language gesture for octopus (?)… Oh-oh… Midget Jon unimpressed, Stupid Alice disappointed, Mean Mommy Danuta on Leo the Roma-n’s leash!Gaslighting isn’t gaslighting when the jig is up, yet humans, true to their inferior nature, cling on to lying to my face… #tragic
Stupid non-human was supposed to forget the confession of self-professed enemy representing the Canadian Federal Government and Anti-Christians (as per anti-christian bible she had in her hand the whole time, the “righteous” cancer cell) and pretend humans do not hate her, that humans do not want to bring her harm and wish for nothing but to find the exact location of her real friends (the non-humans because as cancer cell admitted, “not a single human was, is and ever will be your kin”) so they can kill them as they have been trying to kill her, the stupid non-human inside the human body the non-human is living in, with a message no human cares to hear, every second of every minute, 24 hours a day-night, since 1979!
Symbolism and facial expressions…No need for groping…3rd birthday… I did not require assistance to blow out candles but was passed along from “mommy” to “daddy” like a cognitively impaired rag doll, regardless… after all, two years prior, I was stupid enough to object to being covered in cake; hence, I clearly required guidance at age 3… or, perhaps they simply had excess color film in communist Poland where black and white photography film was difficult to obtain, let alone color, and, goofed off just for fun… 🤷♀️As per cake war where I was forced to blow out my candles while sex offenders grabbed me by the titties, “mommy and daddy” aka vicious zombies, love you, Reptilian Enemy… cause if “daddy” closes his eyes for Lucifer, you can trust him… lol! Invasion of personal boundaries continues and has never stopped!Personal-space-war victory over a smirking blond human female, after an awkward encounter with a plush bear…
I decided to be creative with presenting this photograph… so artistic… ain’t technology grand… the way you can lay the same picture on top of the same picture… if someone from the ancient past were to see it on a computer screen they’d wonder how a photograph was taken in the first place… anyway… I never finished grade 3B in Poland… left half way through the year on a christmas visa to Rome…Italy… personal space/boundaries battle continues, as another blond human female with the same haircut as the player previous comes way too close to obviously inferior in every way possible and worthless as fuck, “evil” enemy Reptilian… Personal Space Invasion, also known as complete disrespect of Alien Anna’s right to personal boundaries continues with the Nightmare Sisters… the couch is a couch for a reason… apparently braindead is a way of life for “filias” of human zombies who thought we were “sharing space” on a crammed chair… my body language says: PROTECTING MY PERSONAL SPACE WHILE BEING CROWDED BY CHECKED-OUT CRACK WHORES OF PATRIARCHY!