Stupid Alien Anna, rights are for humans!๐ŸŒˆ

From: Anna W
Sent: December 4, 2022 2:54 PM
To: FCDO Correspondence (Sensitive) <>
Cc: HOC Enquiries <>
Subject: Appeal for Assistance: Confidential

Dear Sir/Madame,

I once more write requesting assistance of the government and monarchy of Britain; you are the entity upon which the Canadian legal system is based and its overseer.

You told me in a one sentence reply to my appeal for assistance you do not get involved in matters pertaining to the Canadian government (statement attached) yet as its overseer you have a duty to intervene when the law is being violated at its very core. In support of my claim of your direct and continued involvement in Canadian affairs, and thus your duty to act, is the fact the British monarchy issues and collects repayment of funds dispensed to the Canadian public (example of a repayment agreement between the British monarchy and Canadian citizens residing in British Columbia, Canada is attached) for social programs like income assistance. In other words, when you dispense and collect money to and from Canadians you are responsible for their wellbeing.

What happened in a short summary (also supported by attached confidential documents) that has caused me to ask you, British monarchy and government, for help:

The man who was my supervisor at the Federal Government of Canada, with whom I fraternized outside of work, including alone in my home, and who at one point sent me a photo of him in his underwear, accepted my resignation over email, after over a decade of exemplary service, this when I found photographs of myself as a child being sexually molested and during a time of accommodation of “remote work” to assist with my taking care of critically ill stepfather after my mother died of cancer (before my eyes) and I became his primary caregiver…  I worked from home in isolation reading horrific files to complete complex reports analyzing security threats of each individual case and where it was to be placed on a security classification… many crimes described in such graphic detail as to make a laymanโ€™s skin crawl… while hearing stepfather chat in the background (I let him sleep over at my home for a while so he wouldn’t be alone in case death came) of death and dying every single day…  I took medical stress leave as a result and was on it when I quit via email and with no face-to-face contact and then went on to attempt to commit suicide… this supervisor didn’t offer me support or suggested union consult or even some leave without pay to think things through, in fact he lied and said (on paper) my full pay was cut off which it was not, I stopped getting paid several weeks after my resignation was finalized, to coarse me to act, going as far as giving me a deadline by which to respond, during a time of great psychological distress which directly resulted in my resignation… he then forwarded my email of “I quit”, submitted within the deadline provided, to his supervisor who then forwarded my resignation to her supervisor that finalized the whole thing in one day! When I grieved their reckless actions (following suicide attempt) saying my decision was made under exceptional circumstances, my direct supervisor’s boss, the one that forwarded my resignation to be finalized, was appointed decision maker at the first level grievance process (thatโ€™s illegal, I did not get a fair hearing, they covered up corruption by placing the people who failed to protect me as the ones saying there was no cause for concern or even a hint of suspicion there was anything out of the ordinary occurring when sent email was received and accepted) and proceed to deny my request at reinstatement which I appealed and was denied by her boss, yes, the very same person that finalized the resignation and whose decision to do so I am grieving (imagine accusing someone of rape and then having the accused party be appointed their own judge, this is exactly what happened to me). When I pointed out the same people who accepted the resignation were made in charge of deciding their actions were without fault and denied my request at reinstatement to the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal supervisor,  quoting the rule of law, in a consultation email, they replied by telling me, they never heard of the Duty to Act Fairly and to endure the illegal process which might take another 3 years to complete. My emergency contact at the time I sent the โ€œI quit” email was my alleged best friend, drinking buddy of my direct supervisor and my former lover whose uncle was one of the people in charge of running of the RCMP (one of its highest ranking members) at the time and who then came to the hospital (whilst I was recovering from attempted suicide) during working hours (and saying he was going back to the office after his visit) and ordered me not to ask for my job back because my colleagues were offended by my mental health crisis when I sent my email resignation… this individual who visited me while I was recovering from said suicide attempt was also an acting union president and manager at the time I resigned over email…

The Federal Government of Canada’s reckless disregard of my person has left me devoid of professional and personal dignity; I thus humbly appeal for assistance.

Please advise,

Anna Wierzbicka

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