No thanks to humans!

Human = hostile handler, rapist and self-professed enemy drowning in pile of bullshit and shit being eaten off a dick, it is braindead, loving it and turns irate with rage at the mere suggestion of something threatening its shit adoration and consumption! Humans screech like rabies infested hyenas: MORE SHIT, NEVER ENOUGH SHIT, GIMME GIMME GIMME MORE SHIT TO BETTER KILL MYSELF AND EVERYTHING AROUND ME WITH, STARTING WITH JOY… LOOK AT ME, I AM A RAPING FOOL ADDICTED TO EATING SHIT AND COMMITTED TO KILLING ALL HAPPINESS, I AM GOD’S GIFT TO EARTH, I AM HUMAN!

Pardon me for intruding on your party human trash… I am raped by you and all I can do it endure it and no matter what I do, it never ends as you scream I must smile and lie stating I am happy having my dignity non-existent and my life a micromanaged meaningless nightmare…

No, there’s no other way to describe micromanaged bullshit glass world “life” hostile human handler RAPISTS spitting gaslighting at me whilst forcing me to pretend I am unaware they are hostile human handler RAPISTS spitting gaslighting at me after they told me they are hostile human handler RAPISTS spitting gaslighing at me, as anything other than the act of getting brutally and unscrupulously violated…
No, really, I HATE YOU HUMANITY! You deserve it! You have earned it!👽
Summer 1997, human female declares loyalty and expresses gratitude for my friendship (“thank you for being true, honest and respectful”) in high school yearbook… Summer 2017, 20 years of playing “best friend” failed to change my mind about killing patriarchy and depopulating earth of cancer which is human, “Eve” (100% human female and nothing else) takes off her mask and demands I comply with her direct order to give up exact coordinates of my fleet (“where are your real friends?”), thus, destroying all possibilities of productive discourse between our species.

Immobilized, like a fly in amber, suspend in animation in the summer of 2017, my life is hell… a living nightmare… pure agony…

Every second, of every minute, of every hour, of every day, of every week, of every month, of every agonizingly excruciating year which passes is made intolerable by the “confession-threat”, delivered by “bestie” turned instant hostile human “handler”, foaming at the mouth with hatred, communicating very clearly, humanity has been using and playing me in cruel, ruthless, manipulative, psychological, physiological, sexual and spiritual games of warfare, aimed to destroy me.

Alien Anna, you have a message humanity categorically rejects. As such, given you are an “Alien Nuisance”, you are an “x-file” freak whose life is micromanaged by all ten of humanity’s fingers inserted into you, rapist finger-bang style, as “every step you take, every move you make” is dissected and scrutinized as the “failure” we as a collective have determined you to be.

In other words, your life is like a pie and both of humanity’s meddling hands are in it, attempting to destroy everything you build! You deserve it!

Your entire life is a farce, a joke, a meaningless bullshit lie. You deserve it.

Micromanaging humanity has no idea what it is doing as its motivation is one of complete and total power and control over you. You, a “threat” to humanity’s way of life. You, a “threat” to humanity’s dominion over earth.

Humanity’s diddling digits are not communicating with each other. In other words, the scene on the “rooftop” is one of chaos, where the finger-banging activities (deep, deep inside you) have gotten so out of control, my “finger” has been ordered to confess to attempt to “regain” composure!

Each finger (expert in whatever each “team” is delineating) has vested interests it is protecting from the other fingers and, of course, from you. As a result, you, humanity’s “target”, are completely disregarded as “nonsensical” and therefore ignored and dismissed by the whole of humanity. Here, I can “prove it”, look in this Christian Bible, your name is Lucifer, and every “God fearing Christian” knows Lucifer is the “devil” evil loser which you are, you truly are, repeat after me: I stupid and 100% wrong Alien Anna am a FAILURE!

Wipe that smile off your face “Inconvenient” Alien Anna, I am serious! Understand your reality:


Now insignificant ET pet/puppet/muppet/slave, tell me your human handler/supervisor/superior/boss/owner/master, where are your actual friends, the other aliens? Where are the ships?!? Let me remind you, you are surrounded by humans gaslighting you and this will not stop until you “leave and die”… That is correct, you are surrounded by humans who have absolutely no interest or intention of stopping terrorizing you. In fact the more pressure and trauma humanity piles on top of you the more humanity celebrates victorious. Humans with guns pointed at you and wishing for nothing but your demise constitute your entire meaningless existence. You have zero “friends” and zero “family” in humanity and you have absolutely no where to go to get away from humanity’s rage and hostility. That’s what “micromanaged bullshit life” means, you are trapped. Be a “good” Alien Anna, accept your defeat and yield! Tell me, your enemy, where your actual friends are hiding!!! Exact coordinates, now, stupid and insignificant REJECT!


Let’s recapture the end of my fake friendship with humanity which occurred in the summer of 2017 via Cole’s Note…

Hey, Alien Anna… we, your human handlers manipulate you and your entire life… you are under surveillance 24/7… we lie to you… we, your human handlers, are not the biographies you have been presented… we are also not stationed where we tell you to believe… for example, remember when I told you I moved up north to Fort Nelson at the end of high school to be with Dragan, they guy you know as my husband? It never happened! Years of phone conversations about how we renovated our Fort Nelson home… me telling you I was pregnant… you sending me “What to Expect when you are Expecting” to our Front Nelson love nest… Nina being delivered by a doctor of African descent in a Fort Nelson hospital… I was reading off a script and you engaged with a handler watching and analyzing your behavior while you went on a website and “ordered” a book that went nowhere, Alien Anna…

Where are your real friends? Don’t look at me or any human you call or ever called friend(s), we are your handlers… you are our target… you are an x-file…

Where are your true friends?


7 years is a long time… when a human exercises power and control over me (which is all the time… my entire life is a “micromanaged bullshit lie”), it feels like I am dipped in acid after having my skin torn off… 7 years… and freemasons are upping the games in cruelty by sending me rabies infested human females to ask where I vacation? Are you fucking kidding me? My entire life is a nightmare, no matter what I do and where I go I am followed and manipulated, I cannot get away because I am controlled by hostile human handlers and you are asking where I vacation?

7 horrific, nightmarish, agonizing, awful, dreadful and oh so painful years since Handler Jelena Pajovic Duric (member of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police and my “one true friend” since Mrs. Smith grade 9 math class) dropped the equivalent of the entire nuclear bomb arsenal at the disposal of the entire human race all at once on me… destroying my entire world structure… and there seems to be no end to the hatred and ignorance with which humanity continues to taunt me…

Aerial view of the “grand” pyramid, a monument to human depopulation gone amazingly right, constructed my alien intelligence with dust of human and animal bones… it is a mass grave you checked-out out zombies meditate to… haha… no truly, meditate away, you’re a cosmic joke zombies…

My message:

Patriarchy, a cancerous tumor belief system based on intergenerational consumption of shit off a dick which in turn caused the human race to be a disease infested, nasty as fuck, never to be trusted, checked-out crack whore, is the root of all evil, including the very real, tangible and completely denied by humanity, human overpopulation crisis, that, like it or not, immature imbacilis, IS killing all life on earth at this time…

Earth requires outside intervention because it is dying due to an out of control parasite infestation called humanity.

Spectacularly advanced non-human technology humanity hates is a many, many, many splendored thing…🤖👽☠

Suppose the reverberations and “trumpet” like noises reported by UFO enthusiasts to MUFON (Mutual UFO Network) are a prelude…

Suppose sound may be utilized to shatter glass in highrise monstrosities you call “skyscrapers”…

Why? Spits the human race!

What is the matter? Too stupid to make the connection without “mummy” feeding you the answer?

Let me spell it out for you human degenerate: skyscrapers are monuments to the rooted in present day reality, real, tangible, scientifically measurable and extremely problematic human overpopulation crisis. Human overpopulation crisis, the reason why aliens have returned to earth. Human overpopulation crisis, you know, the staggering 8 billion and growing human zombies you refuse to publicly acknowledge as causing devastating harm to all of earth’s species since according to humanity, no other species has rights, so shut the fuck up and quick sweep the “situation” under the rug and pretend it doesn’t exist like you pretend “Alien Anna” is 100% human and nothing else so gaslight her until she leaves and dies… Human overpopulation crisis, any mention of which is removed from public awareness or laughed at and disregarded, as humanity instead constructs more and more human warehousing skyscrapers and dismantles actual reminders of truth like the “Georgia Guidestone Monument” which ET ordered erected to bring humanity’s disrespectful as fuck finger-banging under control! Not much gets you to stop raping, does it?

How about then turning those very same, now devoid of glass, human warehousing skyscrapers into dust?

How? Retorts, with self-assured sneer, humanity!

Your total lack of self-preservation instincts is an impressive attestation to human “survival skills”, to be sure, lol!

Hey humans, the alien species which may or may not be observing you from an unspecified distance in their galaxy traveling spacecraft, the actual kin and actual friends of Alien Anna you hold hostage, that alien species, is not impressed with you… how about you yield and pray for mercy?

Pray for mercy? Please, humans are too busy forcefeeding “humble pie” to wrong on every level ET Mother God!!!


How about them lasers? Lasers are versatile weapon technology, no?

For example, aside from being capable of turning skyscrapers into dust (that’s “how”), lasers can wage war on the human body!

Your laughably primitive, reverse engineered from our technology lasers are able, over time, to rid bodies of hair… Suppose, for shits and giggles, our technology can do the same in an instant… humans losing all hair and resembling “lab rats” in what is truly a failed experiment… would such a party trick bring you back down to earth? 👽

Science fiction nonsense, right?

Suppose the same fabricated and non-existent technology is able to utilize a grid system of laser magic to be highly specific in say… de-clothing humanity to remind them “the emperor has no clothes”?

No. Not a deterrent?

How about if the same grid system of laser “magic” targets flesh and turns human zombies into human kibble? Perfectly seared human steak bites and human nuggies fall down to the ground… Now we have a human and now we have a human nugget — snout licking “good”! You’d be a hit in the lives of your tortured “pets”, especially your dogs and cats watching in astonishment as it rains down human kibble! How exciting!!!!

What if lasers can make human flesh “spontaneously combust”? Ashes, ashes, you all fall down!

Suppose ET spacecraft are equipped with lasers powerful enough to cause daily and nighly powerful as fuck earthquakes all over the world… 11 and climbing on the richter scale…

Suppose ET lasers may be utilized to activate a dormant volcano like Mount Baker or Mount Rainier or Mount Fuji, or all of them, and/or many more unlisted… “ET” veolia, lake(s) of fire!

Suppose ET spacecraft are capable of lifting high up in the sky and then from an unspecified distance up in the sky releasing a rock or several rocks onto a large body and or bodies of water? “ET” veolia, the flood!

Post Scriptum from the others and their bossa not so nova (+ no thanks to humans):

Suppose, given our Leader/Lead/Boss/Master/Executive Director/CEO/GOD NON-DELINEATED, Alien Anna, experienced activation of kundalini too many times to count but enough to find it “enjoyable” which rendered the human vessel acceptable to save…

SUPPOSE THIS ASSESSMENT IS BASED ENTIRELY ON KUNDALINI, ALL OTHER “SIGNIFICANT” EXPERIENCES (familial bonds, friendship connections, sex = pure cancer… vicious, nasty, incurable CANCER! Yes, “SEX”, has been a JOKE! IN FACT, sex has been so awful it can only be described as beyond pitiful. Human males and females suck so badly, I have never been close to satisfied and when they sense my complete dissatisfaction and their complete failure, they go as far as attacking the size of my labia… I have extremely large and full lips… my labia do not resemble anything remotely attractive to a “daddy-dom” who salivates over raping prepubescent little girls into submission, so humanity, addicted to eating shit of a rapist’s dickless dick, have told me my privates are hideous as they are and to “fix” them to make them attractive and no longer hideous, I should, nay, MUST, have plastic surgery to have them cut off so they resemble prepubescent labia, otherwise I and my labia are completely and TRAGICALLY unfuckable… YES, HUMANITY IS A FAILURE, COMPLETELY AND TRAGICALLY CANCEROUS FAILURE!) HAVE TRULY BEEN, AS CONFESSED BY HUMANITY, NEVERENDING NIGHTMARES OF HOSTILE HUMAN HANDLERS MANIPULATING AND GASLIGHTING TO “SAVE” PATHETIC TUMOR CALLED PATRIARCHY AND IT’S NASTY EATING SHIT OFF A DICK CRACK WHORES…


Now, suppose the “gigantic” rock and/or rocks, are really extinction level asteroids, heading straight for earth…

Suppose these extinction level asteroids are on course to “hit” large bodies of land if present trajectory remains unaltered…

Suppose if extinction level asteroids do hit land, if their present trajectory is not altered, earth is “kaput”, “finita”, “dead for all eternity” done 4…

Suppose, if trajectory of extinction level asteroids is altered, they still hit earth (massive and speeding zoom-zoom rocks, such jokesters); however, fall in aqua instead, causing flood but avoiding dead rock forevermore death😁 (too many insteads and hypotheticals and quirky spellings and of course offensive to human trash use of humor??? Quick, send retarded as retarded gets Steven Greer to greer me on my angielski… I have had exposure to some beyond retarded retards today, can you tell?)…

Suppose, only technology alien to human is strong enough to accomplish altering extinction level asteroid trajectory…

Suppose this alien technology lies 100% in the hands of aliens (kundalini + no thanks to humans = pirate hooks for hands), and not the ten meddling digits of hostile human handlers who just the other day argued we (aliens) can make room in our (OURS MEANS NOT YOURS HUMANITY, DO YOU KNOW HOW TO SPEAK HUMAN? CAUSE EVERY TIME WE SPEAK HUMAN TO YOU, YOU PRETEND YOU CANNOT HEAR US) “ark” for at least 2 billion human meatbags whilst screaming WHERE THE FUCK DID YOU GET THE IDEA “IN THE BEGINNING, GOD WAS FEMALE”…


As you waste our time… She (not Jesus, Satan, Shiva and/or whatever other garbage male claiming to me messiah), SHE, Alien Anna, Capitan of all 7 intergalactic starships, which when merged together form 1 (or the 8th illusive UFO, depending on how one thinks of it) finds herself tortured by all ten of humanity’s raping fingers inserted into her meaningless, micromanaged joke of a “life”…

How does she feel?

Better yet (since you are all selfish cancer which doesn’t give a fuck about her wellbeing), what does this rather awkward predicament mean for humanity?

Answer: kundalini + no thanks to humans = humans lost the vote!

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