Alien Anna noticed!

When I was going through the motions of becoming a Correctional Officer, a human male firearms instructor, former military and member of the ERT (emergency response team) attempted to viciously sabotage me, concluding: Anna is diligent and focused. She puts in extra time during her lunch break on practicing dismantling, cleaning and putting back together her firearms, instead of socializing with her peers as I expect her to but never used my words to communicate this expectation. For this reason and this reason alone, I give her a failing grade and she is therefore unable to graduate from core training with the Correctional Service of Canada!

His coworkers, in a panic to take attention away from his outrageously unreasonable “assessment”, quickly changed my grade to a pass… because where else in the entire training would one focus and pay attention, but in the part where one is yielding a weapon which takes life… how dare evil alien notice a glitch in the “may for freemason bag-of-neverending-trix”… besides, humanity is convinced my purpose in life is to eat humanity’s fecal matter off the floor so humanity is innocent and I am at fault…

Actually despite grossly offending you with my insubordination (enemies ruining my life and trying to destroy me since the moment I got here demand I obey, their favorite command is “NO ANNA”, their favorite gaslighting phrase is “YOU ARE WRONG!!!!!”, it doesn’t matter what I am say it could me 1+1=2, human trash loves screaming WRONG YOU ARE SO COMPLETELY WRONG ANNA!!!!!!), I am not into eating your shit humanity, not even when you serve it on dinner ware with cutlery and your signature nasty, gaslighting, hateful, power and control rapist grin!
No. I never vacuumed, cleaned his shitter, routinely threw out trash the mentally handicapped idiot hoarder collected, drove him to medical appointments, consulted with his doctors (including with the intensive care unit at Langley Memorial Hospital when in September 2013 he nearly died after we memorialized the passing of “mean mommy” his bride after she died in May 2013… it went like this, call in the middle of the night at about 3 in the morning, it’s a doctor saying Ireneusz asked me to decide for him if he should take blood thinners, if he does not, he may expire or stabilize and if he does his body may not be able to handle the shock and he may expire but if he does not he may die as early as in a few hours, the decision rests entirely on my shoulders… blood thinners it is… no I did not rush to the hospital the next day to be told the “good” news of he stabilized), renegotiated and cosigned his mortgage while he sat there useless sucking his thumb saying “mommy” do it for me because I am a lazy idiot that simply doesn’t know how, won a fight with his strata council where his unit was accused of something his neighbors did instead, thew him a birthday party, allowed him to sleep in my home, eat my food and let him use me as a taxi service when the “freemasons” were too busy to do it and or, more accurately, determined I wasn’t toiling enough! After all, he cashed all the inheritance money (not a single penny was given to me) from the black and white sweater wearing “grandfather” who was 100% Russian from Moscow who appears in the photograph, next to his “wife” who is diddling me with her middle finger! Entitled Ireneusz Tadeusz Sosnowski is (after all, his daddy who terrorized and brutalized his mother which is how he and his siblings came to be, fought in “Powstanie Warszawskie” aka “liberation” of War-Saw, the symbol of which is a siren/mermaid, deserved the financial compensation) the “victim”; and I the stupid and worthless ET is to be punched and gaslighted until I “just leave and die already”…

It is because of your behaviour humanity. Jelena Duric Pajovic confessed I am a non-human, and told me my entire lie of a life is micromanaged and controlled by humans who wish me dead, that I didn’t take well to this alarming news is on you! That I then pounded on my heart chakra like a gorilla while turning my “human” voice off and introducing myself to this lying, abusive, aggressive, disrespectful, gaslighting piece of shit called Ireneusz Tadeusz Sosnowski, as the 7 Singularity ET to drive the point home is on you! MY LIFE IS A NIGHTMARE BECAUSE OF YOUR BEHAVIOUR HUMANS! YOUR FAULT HUMANITY. TWOJA BARDZO WIELKA WINA!
Druga = Durga
Hand delivered nonsense written in English by fake “stepfather” that prior to 2017 routinely asked me to translate everything because he could not speak it… Ania 2 is what they called me in ESL class at Lord Roberts Elementary in Vancouver because I was the second Anna in the class, the first one was a blond Polak called Grabna which means rake or “pitchfork”… this Ania 2, or, “druga” in Polish, rearranged the letters and spelled out DURGA… for Devi Durga that the RCMP said I am not and to silence this worthless piece of delusional garbage who thinks she is the bringer of a new day up, they dragged her off to the psych ward by arresting and handcuffing her from the back, on February 16, 2023, after showing up at her door as she was about to step out, nicely dressed, polite and articulate, so she was obviously a threat… after all she called Jesus (they brought him up) Satan and this they could not stand for — apparently if you engage in “blasphemy” as judged and tried and convicted by an Indian from India cop who doesn’t know the criminal code of Canada, you’re certifiable!
Handler Tadeusz Ireneusz Sosnowski posted this as me on DeviantArt: account under my name and to make it more legitimate, posted photos of my “friends”, but it’s my fault I was beat up by him for objecting to being gaslighted and abused and plagiarized!
I was viciously attacked by the human race in 2017 and my life as a result is completely ruined but it’s my fault… I didn’t paint or photoshop any of these depictions of me, Ireneusz Tadeusz Sosnowski did… the inscription on the sword reads “eye for an eye” in Latin…
Durga’s secret posted by IreneuszTadeusz Sosnowski on my birthday, on the Mayan calendar year of the “end times” with a halo of Novus Ordo Seclorum or “New World Order” or as I like to call it, “One World Order”… account gravatar is of a female wearing a mask symbolic of the plague, also known as human depopulation agenda…
Just like this here “Lady in Red with a mask of the plague” not so inconspicuous painting which plagiarizes my life, and exhibited awkwardly at the tricities Polish art show in Port Coquitlam, British Columbia, Canada… hey, it’s okay, “stupid alien” has no feelings, or dignity, or autonomy, due to being micromanaged by gaslighting humans who seek to know the location of her true friends and sell paintings of her right in front of her… taunting… never give her compensation for making money off her and tell her it’s her fault they ruined her life because she is not supposed to notice!

Hand of Apollyon (Saturn/Satan) on Lucifer’s shoulder. Lucy is blinged out in Egyptian jewels since Lucy is Isis the “Lady God” who retrieves her mate Osiris from the Underworld… Men is fedoras since Isis is an “x-file” hybrid cross breed but let’s pretend she doesn’t know because if you acknowledge she knows, that you know, that she knows, you’d have to start acting like mature adults and you’re a bunch of drooling retards, so that’s clearly asking for too much!! …

Violinist playing music for the shapeshifter chameleon Reptilian… just wondering… in this painting, is it assumed there are hordes of screaming rabies infested human females in the background drowning out the music by holier than thou assertions of the retarded alien is not a holy, she is no messiah, she is not a mother, she is not wise, she is not valued, she is not valuable, she is not significant, she is nothing, she does not exist and I Eve am in full competition with her and I win because I rape her via asswipes like “gun training fail grade giving teachers”, as there are in real life? Yes! I thought so… Are they also stealing and cheating and block me from attaining joy and abundance whilst wasting my time and lifeforce with nonsense equivalent to the teletubbies and backstabbing me while saying they have no idea what I’m talking about? Yes! That’s Eve!

Moving on to many masks like the many arms of Kali the Destroyer of Evil… or, the many heads of the Beast… such a mystery, like Babylon!

Ponderence rhetorical: If Lucifer the Christ Babylon is Mother of Satan the Beast Antichrist, what happens to your delusional house of cards rabies infested Adam and Eve? Shall I give you a hint? Your world shall be destroyed by the apocalypse! Self-combusting egos shall implode with cognitive dissonance… plagues of wrath shall erupt in chaos.. and the flood shall drown your insubordination🙏
Lady in Red with a mask of the plague!
This one is most horrific… what the fuck is this stupid freemason gaslighting bullshit supposed to be? Disgusting gaslighting! And what saving yourself while you kill me with my approval art while you call it “justice”? I am holding Freemasonry above water while the rabies infested disgusting human females, what? Kill me? Fuck you! 7 ships all merge into one and they are all above your heads.☠
How about this gaslighting, back stabbing, half-Swedish by half-Turkish Napoleon and 100% subpar excuse of a human “male”, with a dick so small you need a magnifying glass to locate it! Here is “us” getting engaged for the second time with a borrowed engagement ring at a hookah bar in Vegas. The first time, he proposed without a ring when I refused to dance to Dead Mouse at some dirty Vegas club (was it the Hakkasan… something classless like that) and the third was in Canada where he took me to Spence Diamonds to pick out a ring but didn’t actually buy it… I did not refuse him the first time… he just kept asking… unsurprisingly, as per Jelena’s confession, humanity believes and treats me like I have brain damage which includes lack of long-term memory so I was not supposed to notice… hey, maybe the fourth time I would have actually gotten a ring, lol. Alas, he spoiled New Year’s by attempting to strangle me when pissed drunk… all I did was take a long bath before I got all pretty (yes, this worthless piece of shit has a healthy self-esteem and actually belives, shocker, that she is attractive) came down a very long and steep flight of stairs to party with him… found him drunk and irate, all juiced up to fight the evil alien … that was the end of our romance also known as “rapemance”…
Displaced anger be like…
He of course expected me, the evil alien, to apologize for his abuse of me… it is my fault he stands at 5’6 and has a girthless dick that’s about four inches which you can’t feel when it’s inside you… it’s my fault that because of this he hates the world as the world of feminine rejects him “passive aggressive style” so he had to date a non-plastic devoid of fake titties “evil alien” brunette… it’s my fault he overcompensates for his lack of stature with steroid use which makes him emotional and aggressive… it’s my fault that because of his napoleon syndrome he was unable to control himself and tried to strangle me whilst pissed drunk… I was to say sorry for asking him to leave my residence to protect myself, me, the ugly, worthless, second-class female… the retard that failed to understand he was doing me a favor by getting “mock engaged” (they placed socks in his underwear when he posed for Armani underwear adds, that’s how pitiful his cock is, so no “barbie” wanted to commit long-term, cause barbie can get “bigger”!). Any reasonable being would expect to recieve a. a ring and b. a profuse apology and would certainly not recieve texts like these… but I’m “ugly” (non-blond, non-bleached, non-fake tittied) so I should know my place!!! Texts like these would not be coming from an “executive” from Las Vegas with multiple university degrees, one of them being a “masters” in psychology, but I did receive them loud and clear from him (because, again, I am a worthless, stupid as fuck punching bag to human trash and I was not supposed to notice let alone know any better) that and he is human and as per Jelena’s confession, all humans hate me, no matter how “nice” (I did him a favor by accepting a proposal from a classless, dickless, spineless napoleon) and reasonable (steroid rage is unwelcome at my dwelling) I present.

P.S. Awful sex story with this classless duchebag time!

Microscopic penis I could not feel in my vagina was inserted into my anus and after a boring and “is it over” round of complete non-sexually aroused for me “sex”, this pathetic idiot attempted to stick it, covered in fecal matter, back into my vagina… when I said absolutely not, go and take a long and hot and soapy shower and let me inspect your “nubby” before you go anywhere near me again, he screamed I am unreasonable because every human female enjoys fecal matter in their vagina… my answer was and continues to be NO!

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