Māyā (Lakshmi)


Maya, in this (“random” club 33 released) children’s song, is the “forward” protagonist who insists on being the “news” or “message” or “Messiah”…

☆”Śmiała” = forward, opposite of shy.
☆“Wieść” = news, message, or to be a message is to be the Messiah (co Wieść chce wsród owadów być).

Speaking of “forward”, or, in this case, the opposite, or , “shy”… I once had the displeasure of spending agonizingly boring time with Richard a clown Mason that went by the label of Exorcist or Ghostbuster Extraordinaire and to make sure he outshined everything around him, also called himself a Psychic Medium “Channel”!

One day he announces he adopted a dog from one of his clients. Aside from feeling pity for dogs (what a horrible experience to be slaves to humanity, unable to be free to live as pack families of other dogs), I do not like them. The bastardized version of a wolf or jackal lacks intelligence in its codependency, stinks and slobers… GROSS… However; playing one of his “besties” and not yet officially “Alien Anna” being “supervised” by human “handlers” who hate her and want to find out the location of her actual friends, I attempt to be a supportive “human” friend and put up with his mind numbing rants about degrading another species!

While he voices jubilation over his new “project”, he simultaneously freaks out over the fact Surrey, British Columbia, Canada, after a horrendous dog attack on a human child, and aftermath killing of the aggressor dog, makes the breed, a rottweiler, illegal to “own”. He laments for weeks, and, insists on showing me news articles on the ban. He voices outrage at how unfair he feels the by-law is, saying it is all about “proper training” and if the dog is inappropriately aggressive, it is never the dog”s fault but the owner’s failure at “owner-ing”!!! He brainstorms ways to get his “pet” home yet concludes, every time, that unless he moves to another city, there is no resolution to his conundrum.

He invites me to accompany him on one of his visits in order to introduce me to his new pride and joy “Shy-Ann” the “rottie”, still living at the house of a widow whose late husband, its’ original “owner” just died, and who now, naturally, wants to part with the reminder of a dead romantic connection… competing with man’s “best friend” codependent as fuck “perfect” relationship with a dog and man’s favorite pastime, the binge watching of mind numbing hours of useless sporting events is not easy, and, judging by the decor of her house, the “grieving widow” came in last to these, the dead guy’s, true loves and priorities…

“Shy-Ann”‘s new “master” shows me how he “bonds” with his new toy, who is as gross as I thought the “rottie” would be, in that she stinks and drools like a “motherfucker”… Nasty…

He finally relents and backs out of the adoption process given he is unwilling to move and she is illegal to “play with” or “diddle” where he lives.

Fast forward to about a year later, summer of 2017… I spot several rottweilers off leash in Freemason designed (condition and/or enticement which landed them rights to develop the parcel of land utilized for profit, was to “create” a community greenspace adjacent) and constructed park (with a gigantic and completely insignificant “x” of crossing pathways right in the center) facing the Freemason (Mosaic is owned and operated by Freemasons, as are the 3 O’hs of eatery “White Spot” #TheMoreYouKnow) built complex in which I live… again, I don’t give a shit, but, since Richard inadvertently/advertently advised these things are vicious and harmful to children, I call up city hall to let them know… lo and behold, the breed, I am told, had never displayed any aggression against any Surrey citizen, ever, and is perfectly legal to “own” or enslave. I guess Richard hired someone to put up fake news articles on the ban of “rotties” for shits and giggles?

Fast forward to August 2023… In a newsflash, this time legitimately reported on by every local news station and in every local newspaper, same Freemasonry constructed “Sh-Anon” Park is inundated by “33” firefighters who mostly stood around scratching their useless assholes while four houses facing it burned to the ground🤫: https://vancouver.citynews.ca/2023/08/09/surrey-house-fire-3

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